Two more immune boosting drinks

GINGER SHOT This popular drink is a great boost since ginger is one of the known superfoods for health. Making this fresh is best. You need a good juicer, a lot of fresh ginger, apples, and lemons. Optional turmeric root...

Spiritual room cleaning

I learned this technique from my work with the Living School and Reshad Feild. It is a remarkable tool for energetically cleaning a room. We use this in our teacher training programs and before all the workshops I teach....

Making a Soul Greeting Card

A simple, fun, profound, unique, appreciated and a special process that no money can buy. NOTE: This blog is more of a how-to on making a card for another person. The card can be for any occasion. Birthdays, anniversaries,...

Great apps for iPhone and Mac

apps for your iPhone & Mac Okay, this is a personal list and represents only my own way of doing things. If you find this useful or not, it is entirely your choice. I have no financial interest in any of these...

Movies that made me a better person

Here is a partial list of great movies that I have found to be much better than most. All have inspired me in one way or another. I noticed there are some common themes to the movie recommendations. Many have strong female...

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