I will not live to be 11

When I was ten years old, I suffered from asthma. It often was quite bad. I had the standard spray. It helped. When it was really bad, I took some pills. They both sped up my heart to the point where it felt like it would...

You are not my student!

While trying out different hatha yoga classes, I was also on a quest for a spiritual path. Along with millions of other young seekers, I was looking for a more spiritual life. I checked out many other teachers and...

The First Teacher Training

Eric had come from the Netherlands to Santa Fe to learn to be a yoga teacher. He had read it was a place where many teachers lived and taught. His plan was to attend every class to evaluate his experience and then pick the...

The Worst Yoga Class I Ever Took

I went to every yoga class I could find in hopes of discovering something more than just another way to twist my body in a pretzel. I sent all over Miami in search of a class that would inspire me. After one yoga class I...

Meditation to avoid & one do do!

In 1970, a lot of young people were searching for something beyond what was the established norm. There were hundreds of groups offering every kind of spiritual experience you can imagine. Any many you could never imagine....

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