The best breakfast

A bold statement for a recipe to be the best breakfast ever. During my life, I have tried many different ways of eating. After my meat-eating youth in a traditional family, I have been mostly vegetarian. My needs do change,...

My first meditation teacher

My first true meditation teacher was my karate instructor. We did all the regular things one does in a karate class. We learned to move with purpose, to understand the dynamics of how the energy moved in the body, explored...

Two more immune boosting drinks

GINGER SHOT This popular drink is a great boost since ginger is one of the known superfoods for health. Making this fresh is best. You need a good juicer, a lot of fresh ginger, apples, and lemons. Optional turmeric root...

Immune system tea

Here is a quick, easy and delicious tea to boost your immune system. Ingredients contain anti-oxidants and the good vitamins you need to keep yourself healthy. Ingredients: Black tea Lemon – fresh squeezed Orange...

Thrown out of town

The last few months before moving permanently to Europe, I lived in the village of South Yarmouth on Cape Cod, a lovely finger-shaped peninsula sticking out from Massessusets into the Atlantic ocean. I had a friend living...

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