Pride is a deep hole of mud

The first days of my retreat in the Scottish Highlands, as I look out the window of my remote cabin, a beautiful deer was in the field eating the grass. I often see deer in the woods behind my house in Germany but they are...

Lorenzo Sandoval

Lorenzo Sandoval was an unlikely healer. His chiropractic practice was a room in his house. He only charged one price for everyone. Some sessions took 20 minutes, some 45 minutes and some almost an hour. It did not matter....

Rattlesnakes like me

The only place to find rattlesnakes in South Florida was at the famous Miami Serpentarium. It was famous for the work done by Bill Haast who had a thing for snakes. He had developed the anti-venom serum that was needed to...

Living in heaven & hell

Its official name was Ram Das Puri. It was the location for the annual 3HO summer gathering known simply as Summer Solstice. It was a celebration of yoga, meditation, and all things related to Kundalini Yoga as taught by...

Team sports suck (for me)

I did try team sports though I had resistance. And I did find some enjoyment in the experience, but in the end, it was clear, team sports are not for me. I was not a jock (what we called people really into sports when I was...

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