A student wrote to me about being consumed by old addictions and destructive eating habits. They asked for guidance. Here is my response.
Reply: The courage it took to write to me, is the same courage you can use to make the changes you desire. Key it to really want something better for yourself. You will not succeed by trying to stop a behavior. The only successful strategy is to create a new habit. You must want this new you. Once you make a loving decision to act, here are some suggestions to support the creation of your new success. Some of these suggestions are in the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 Manual.
1. Go on the mung beans and rice diet for at least 40 days. For weight gain, use lots of olive oil. Recipe link.
2. Do ishnaan every morning, at least 10 minutes total under the cold water. Instructions and illustration.
3. Move your body. Walk, bike, swim, run or anything, but move. This is even better if you do this with another person.
4. Sat Kriya, if done correctly, will multiply the effects of everything else. Kriya link.
5. Do While Hole Meditation with times listed. For best results practice daily a minimum of 40 days. For maximum results, practice for 1000 days. Meditation link.
6. It is important to be social. Do things with other people. Talking, drinking tea, walking, or any other form of interaction will be a benefit.
These recommendations are not designed to fit every person in every situation. But many of you can recognize the need for creating a new habit. An act of self-loving to increase the joy in your life. These are great suggestions individually, done together, they will guarantee positive results in the shorted possible time.
If you are uncertain about any of these suggestions, contact a local Kundalini Yoga teacher in your area. There are online lists for each country.
CAUTION: Do not trust YouTube videos. I have found about 80% of videos contain missing or wrong information about kriyas and meditation in Kundalini Yoga.