About YogiBlog

In loving memory of Gurumarka Singh Khalsa 13.12.1949 – 29.5.2022
Teacher, Mentor, Friend  & professional troublemaker

In his own words: “Stories share emotions and experiences with deep, profound, and powerful knowing. Stories are data with your soul. “

Calvin & Hobbes

Calvin & Hobbes

He is 6 years old and has a pet tiger named Hobbes. Calvin sees his tiger as real. To everyone else, Hobbes is a stuffed tiger. The adventure begins. This simple description does not convey the powerful insightful wise adventures Calvin and Hobbes have in the comic...

Bootcamp for Everyone

Bootcamp for Everyone

I graduated from high school in 1967 when there was still a military draft for the Viet Nam war. The draft was set up on a lottery system based on your birthday.  My birthday was 137 out of 365 possible dates. There was a good chance I would be drafted. To avoid this,...

Destiny will find us

Destiny will find us

While attending Miami Beach Senior High School, we had a career day where we could visit a business we were interested in as a future profession. I choose an advertising agency. My interest in advertising was first awakened when working part-time in my father's retail...

The Need for Community

The Need for Community

The early '70s was the emergence of many spiritual groups and Miami was a perfect place for many of them to set up centers. The Hari Krishna were there with their wonderfully spicey free meals and the overly sweet desserts. There were the Essenes, who wore white...

Dinosaur Feet & Face Reading

Dinosaur Feet & Face Reading

I first met Narayan Singh at a men's workshop taught by Yogi Bhajan. These rare men-only events were great opportunities to learn more about being a yogi and a man. After being introduced, Narayan Singh described the patterns nearly every man carried, that limited the...

My First Solo Retreat

My First Solo Retreat

It was a birthday present to myself, to go beyond my mind's limitations. To dive into the emptiness and come up with new possibilities for my life. This is what I needed, and felt ready for the unknown. The hermitage was located halfway up a narrow path in the...



Excellence Report Harry Potter’s favorite word is brilliant; Yogi Bhajan taught the importance of developing caliber; the Pope is called His Eminence; we desire to live our talent; we know what Wiley E. Coyote wants to accomplish; companies proclaim their products...

Reshad part 4

Reshad part 4

It was never dull around Reshad. He managed to stir things up where ever he went. Although he was a bit of a trickster, it was not this quality that had the biggest impact. It was his connection to this thing we call 'love'. Reshad often made a clear distinction he...

I kissed Miss Canada

I kissed Miss Canada

Yes, in 1970 people dressed and looked this way. And yes, that is me with the afro-style hair. It was my naturally curly hair while attending the University of Miami. And no, that is not a real horse behind us. My father was on the city council of the small town where...

“He can manipulate you!” (Reshad part 3)

“He can manipulate you!” (Reshad part 3)

Getting invited to teach in Europe was the easy part. Now came the planning, organizing, and other details. Keep in mind all this was before email and mobile phones. We would send a fax if something was needed right away, but a regular letter sent by post was still...

Give up Teaching? (Reshad part 2)

Give up Teaching? (Reshad part 2)

After the clear and supportive talk with my friend Matthew, I decided to attend the weekly meetings to prepare for Reshads' return. Just after this decision, Jamal sent a message about the attitude we need to be part of the Living School. We must come with both hands...

Spirit finds a way (Reshad part 1)

Spirit finds a way (Reshad part 1)

I was quite happy on my path as a Sikh man and being a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. I had looked into many different spiritual teachers and traditions at the beginning of my journey. I was comfortable with my choice. But 'spirit finds a way' if we are open and trust the...

Your Soul Knows

Your Soul Knows

The most common question people ask me in personal interviews is "What is my purpose, my destiny?" I always give them the answer. "Your destiny is not one fixed route through life. You create your destiny with each step you take. The best way to feel you are living...

Getting to Much

Getting to Much

In the first years living in Germany, I was often teaching in places no one had ever heard of, like the small village of Much. A dear student, Christiane Berger, and her husband, Manfred, renovated a farmhouse and made the top floor into a yoga studio. It was a...

The best breakfast

The best breakfast

A bold statement for a recipe to be the best breakfast ever. During my life, I have tried many different ways of eating. After my meat-eating youth in a traditional family, I have been mostly vegetarian. My needs do change, but some basic foods are good for most...

My first meditation teacher

My first meditation teacher

My first true meditation teacher was my karate instructor. We did all the regular things one does in a karate class. We learned to move with purpose, to understand the dynamics of how the energy moved in the body, explored the proper angles for attacking and for...

Two more immune boosting drinks

Two more immune boosting drinks

GINGER SHOT This popular drink is a great boost since ginger is one of the known superfoods for health. Making this fresh is best. You need a good juicer, a lot of fresh ginger, apples, and lemons. Optional turmeric root can be added, but this turns your juicer...

Immune system tea

Immune system tea

Here is a quick, easy and delicious tea to boost your immune system. Ingredients contain anti-oxidants and the good vitamins you need to keep yourself healthy. Ingredients: Black tea Lemon - fresh squeezed Orange - fresh squeezed Drink and enjoy. Recommended you use a...

Thrown out of town

Thrown out of town

The last few months before moving permanently to Europe, I lived in the village of South Yarmouth on Cape Cod, a lovely finger-shaped peninsula sticking out from Massessusets into the Atlantic ocean. I had a friend living here who invited me and helped me find a place...

I was thrown out of the ashram

I was thrown out of the ashram

Living in the Miami ashram was a great beginning for my spiritual journey. I felt the expansive pull of yogic committed life. Starting the day at 3:15 each morning with the reading of the Japji prayer, then a full yoga set, then a meditation, and then a Sikh service...

My Penthouse in Frankfurt

My Penthouse in Frankfurt

When moving to Germany in 1996, I was offered a place to share in the small village of Freidberg, not far from Frankfurt. When I would tell someone where I was staying they assumed I was just another idiot American and really meant to say Freiburg. After some weeks I...

Invited by Who? Serendipity!

Invited by Who? Serendipity!

I lived at the mother ashram in Espanola but traveled daily to Santa Fe to work, meet with my men's group, and attend events. A few times a week I would work out at Santa Fe Spa, mostly working with the stair stepper, and would finish with some yoga stretching. One...

Took my breath away

Took my breath away

Here are some things I have done in my life that took my breath away. •  About 1970, when living in Miami, I went with a group of friends on a sailboat out into the ocean. We went far away from the city lights. A few people jumped into the ocean and I saw for the...

No Home – Freedom?

No Home – Freedom?

Around 1992, while living in Santa Fe, my friend Kirsten asked if I might be available to housesit for a customer of hers. She did various jobs that included housecleaning at expensive homes. When the homeowners went on holiday, they would get someone to stay at their...

We are Satnamers!

We are Satnamers!

It was the beginning years of the spiritual revolution in America. Yogi Bhajan arrived in 1969 and gave the mantra ‘Sat Nam’, which means ‘your identity is truth’. As a way to learn the 'truth' about the world, we used ‘Sat Nam’ in our everyday communication. When you...

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